বাগেরহাট সদর, বাগেরহাট ।
বাগেরহাট সদর, বাগেরহাট ।
বাগেরহাট সদর, বাগেরহাট ।
The medieval mosque is located in the southeast corner of the sixty-domed mosque. It is a single domed mosque. The plastered walls of the mosque (outside 11.6 m ঃ 11.8 m) are on average 2.10 m thick. At each corner there is an adjoining burmanj, which is extended in a circle on the outside. There are 3 arched doors in the east wall. The number of arched doors is 1 in each of the north and south walls. The arch in the middle of the east wall is larger than the others. Inside there is a concave mihrab with two niches on either side in the middle of the west wall. There are similar niches on either side of the north and south doors. Other common features are similar to the sixty-domed mosque. Only the cornices of the four adjoining circular Barmanj mosques are raised to four corners.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS