বাগেরহাট সদর, বাগেরহাট ।
বাগেরহাট সদর, বাগেরহাট ।
বাগেরহাট সদর, বাগেরহাট ।
This medieval mosque is located in the north-west corner of Zindapi's shrine complex. The mosque is built on a square land plan (6 m x 7 m) and is a single domed mosque. The mosque is surrounded by four round turrets. The walls of the mosque are 1.52 m thick on average. There are three arched doors on the east arm and one each on the north and south arms. There are three mihrabs in the front arm. The hemispherical dome of the roof was in a state of disrepair. It was restored in 2002 through archaeological reforms.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS